Tasty Peanut Butter Banana Baked Oatmeal Cups

Ingredients needed to prepare this amazing and tasty Recipe:

Here are the ingredients you’ll  need:

milk or dairy-free milk of choice


maple syrup

vanilla extract

ground flaxseed meal

peanut butter or nut/seed butter of choice

gluten-free oats

chia seeds

baking powder



chocolate chips

Then it’s just 4 simple steps:

  1. Mix the wet ingredients together in a large bowl.
  2. Add in the peanut butter.
  3. Then add in the dry ingredients
  4. And finally mix in the chocolate chips.

Spoon evenly into muffin tins, add extra chocolate chips if you want (I always want extra chocolate chips!) and bake.

You will fill them right up to the top of the muffin cup as they won’t rise too much when they bake.

peanut butter banana baked oatmeal cups gluten free www.healthygffamily.com
peanut butter banana baked oatmeal cups gluten free www.healthygffamily.com

Bonus: Your house will smell amazing while they bake!

Let sit in the muffin tins for 5-10 minutes to continue cooking/ setting, then let cool on a drying rack if you plan to store them in the refrigerator or freezer.

peanut butter banana baked oatmeal cups gluten free www.healthygffamily.com

We tend to leave a few out and freeze the rest so they stay fresher longer.

The texture will be as expected, like a baked oatmeal — super soft when it comes out of the oven but as they cool, they hold together beautifully.

You can eat them warm (reheat in microwave for a few seconds), straight from the fridge or room temperature.

Either way, they are nourishing, satisfying and a delicious gluten-free breakfast or snack!

Hope you love them as much as we do